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Real Estate Agents Can Benefit From Using a Professional Printing Company

These days, the natural tendency for companies doing marketing, is to focus on the Internet, on email blasts, and on social media. And while all of the new media is worthwhile, those involved in real estate marketing shouldn’t lose sight of traditional print marketing. For some, a home-based approach to design and production might suffice, but the truth is, nothing can quite compare with professional design, production, and printing.

A professional approach to printed materials has a number of benefits for a real estate agent. And those benefits derive whether the agent uses the online production tools, or prefers one-on-one personal service. The fact is, a real estate agent, or a brokerage firm, specializes in the selling and buying of property – not in the design and production of marketing materials. However, a good agent knows what works well and what sells.

Printed marketing materials actually reinforce all of the other marketing materials. And in many cases, the printed materials generate interest in the other marketing platforms. This is where a unified image is so critical – with messaging, and colours schemes, and company logos all tied in.

For any marketing budget, large or small, printed materials have proven to be cost effective. With consistency in “managed” print services, and with regular mailings throughout the calendar year, cost effectiveness just improves. And, of course, constancy in marketing is key to client exposure.

Most real estate agents agree that printed materials are essential to the marketing mix. That’s probably why homeowners get such a high volume of mailers, sometimes on a daily basis. When it’s all planned well with the print services provider, the return-on-investment is worthwhile.

Today, with technology and Wi-Fi, real estate agents quickly and easily outsource printing needs, reducing in-house costs, while improving employee productivity. And with a highly professional printer on hand, it’s all under one roof – from creative design, to quality output, to final delivery.

The worst thing a real estate agent can do is to look “shabby”.  That’s precisely why professional printed materials are so critical. From lawn signs, to postcards, to business cards, a professional looking image is impressive enough to garner attention, and even generate some business.

With PRINT THREE, there’s more to printing than just high quality results. It’s about outstanding customer service that takes the client from initial design ideas right to final delivery. That means free file checking and PDF proofs. It also means troubleshooting when problems arise. And most importantly, it means tight scheduling and timely shipping – something vital for the real estate industry. The aim is to provide streamlined service, with as little stress as possible for the client. 

Beyond the traditional brochures and mailers, PRINT THREE can also be of service with printed contracts, confirmation letters, branded templates, and even run-of-the-mill company stationery. Best of all, the experts at PRINT THREE also provide direct mailing services. This is a cost-worthy strategy for real estate marketing, all under one roof, and with professional results every time.

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